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Biglietti per James Blake


0 Eventi futuri

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Nel 2011, James Blake ha pubblicato l’album di debutto “James Blake”, seguito nel 2013 da “Overgrown”, vincitore del Mercury Prize 2013. Nel 2016, James Blake ha rilasciato il terzo album “The Colour in Anything” subito alla Top40 della Billboard200 e ai vertici della U.S. Dance/Electronic Chart.

Nel 2018, James Blake ha collaborato alla colonna sonora del film Marvel “Black Panther” e ai singoli “King’s Dead” con Kendrick Lamar, Future e Jay Rock e “Bloody Waters” sempre con Lamar.

Nel corso della sua carriera, James Blake ha collaborato con Brian Eno, Kanye West, Drake, Beyoncé, Jay Z, Frank Ocean, Bon Iver e ha suonato sui palchi dei più importanti festival mondiali come Coachella, Glastonbury e Primavera Sound.

L’ultimo album “Assume Form” è il suo progetto artistico più diretto, eclettico e puro e vanta collaborazioni con Travis Scott, Andrè 3000, Metro Boomin e Moses Sumney e Rosalía nel singolo di successo “Barefoot In The Park”.


    1. 1Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer (copertina di Stevie Wonder)
    2. 2The Limit to Your Love (copertina di Feist)
    3. 3Say What You Will
    4. 4I'll Come Too
    5. 5Go Easy, Kid (copertina di Monica Martin)
    6. 6Mulholland
    7. 7Life Round Here (With "Ready or Not" by the Fugees)
    8. 8Godspeed (copertina di Frank Ocean)
    9. 9Retrograde
    10. 10Barbie Girl (copertina di Aqua)
    11. 11Look Me in the Eyes (copertina di Rex Orange County)
    12. 12Like The End
    13. 13The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (copertina di Ewan MacColl & Peggy Seeger)
    14. 14Vincent (copertina di Don McLean)
    15. 15A Case of You (copertina di Joni Mitchell)
    16. 16Measurements
    1. 1Life Round Here
    2. 2Loading
    3. 3Mile High
    4. 4The Limit to Your Love (copertina di Feist)
    5. 5Say What You Will
    6. 6Like The End
    7. 7Stop What You're Doing (James Blake Remix) (copertina di Untold)
    8. 8Are You in Love?
    9. 9Thrown Around
    10. 10Fall Back
    11. 11Tell Me
    12. 12Voyeur
    13. 13Godspeed (copertina di Frank Ocean)
    14. 14Retrograde
    15. 15The Wilhelm Scream
    1. Playing Robots Into Heaven
    2. 1Life Round Here
    3. 2Loading
    4. 3Mile High
    5. 4The Limit to Your Love (copertina di Feist)
    6. 5Lindisfarne I
    7. 6Lindisfarne II
    8. 7Say What You Will
    9. 8Stop What You're Doing (James Blake Remix) (copertina di Untold)
    10. 9Like The End
    11. 10Are You in Love?
    12. 11Can't Believe the Way We Flow
    13. 12Thrown Around
    14. 13I'll Come Too
    15. 14Tell Me
    16. 15Voyeur (with band and staff introduction.)
    17. 16Godspeed (copertina di Frank Ocean)
    18. 17Retrograde
  1. Bis

    1. 18A Case of You (copertina di Joni Mitchell)
    2. 19The Wilhelm Scream
    1. 1Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer (copertina di Stevie Wonder)
    2. 2The Limit to Your Love (copertina di Feist)
    3. 3Mulholland
    4. 4Life Round Here
    5. 5Godspeed (copertina di Frank Ocean)
    6. 6Say What You Will
    7. 7Barbie Girl (copertina di Aqua)
    8. 8Retrograde
    9. 9A Case of You (copertina di Joni Mitchell)
    10. 10The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (copertina di Ewan MacColl & Peggy Seeger)
    11. 11Measurements
    1. 1Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer (copertina di Stevie Wonder)
    2. 2I'll Come Too
    3. 3Mulholland
    4. 4Thrown Around (extended techno jam)
    5. 5Life Round Here
    6. 6Godspeed (copertina di Frank Ocean) (followed by audience Q&A segment)
    7. 7Look Me in the Eyes (copertina di Rex Orange County) (partial; fan request)
    8. 8Retrograde
    9. 9Say What You Will
    10. 10A Case of You (copertina di Joni Mitchell)
    11. 11You're Too Precious
    12. 12The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (copertina di Ewan MacColl & Peggy Seeger)
    13. 13Vincent (copertina di Don McLean) (played impromptu after technical issues starting "Measurements")
    14. 14Measurements